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Favorite Show/Movies

  • Midsomer Murders
  • The Last Detective
  • Green for Danger
  • The Thin Man (all of them)
  • The Agatha Christie Miss Marple Movie Collection (1962) (Margaret Rutherford)
  • Midnight Lace
  • Rebecca
  • Laura
  • Amelie
  • Cold Comfort Farm
  • Barchester Chronicles
  • Tommy and Tuppence
  • McMillan and Wife
  • Berkeley Square
  • Pride and Prejudice (the BBC mini series)
  • Murder She Wrote (I mean snickering)
  • Hart to Hart (I hear snickering...)
  • Gilmore Girls
  • Veronica Mars (excellent series!)
  • Manhattan Murder Mystery
  • Strangers on a Train
  • Rear Window
  • Poirot
  • Midsomer Murders

Stuff I Love

  • Kate Spade Perfume
  • Jo Malone Perfume - Orange Blossom
  • Jeans by Big Star, MEK, Rock Revival, and BKE
  • My Minx Los Feliz bag
  • Tarte Cheek Stain in "Flush"
  • Bare Minerals
  • Burberry Perfume
  • Stephens' Candles
  • 1803 Candles
  • English Riding Helmets
  • Cath Kidston (anything she makes)
  • Green Gate (anything they make)
  • Candles that smell like baked goods
  • Toile & Ticking
  • Old Linens
  • Cabbage Roses
  • Old Umbrellas in an old tall basket
  • Cloches
  • Old Books
  • Nests & Eggs
  • Silver Platters
  • Ironstone (pitchers and platters)
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« picture bonanza... | Main | family, home, and rhubarb berry crisp... »

July 11, 2009



Your finds look perfect in your home! And the mention of the strawberry rhubarb crisp is making me hungry....:)


Please post the rubarb recipe...I have a big one growing outside my window as we speak....and would love to make something from it. So glad to see ya back...gorgeous finds. cherry


I am drooling over your finds from Farm Chicks.. how I wish Junebug had an online etsy shop... I would order a tote it's so cute! All your wonderful treasures look great in your beautiful home!
have a wonderful weekend,

gladys hanning

Hi Allison! Thank you for the lovely post and pictures, so glad the little slipper chair went to a beautiful home. The canvas tote looks great too!! I'm adding our Bee design to some new totes and also made some with big peonies attached to the side of the tote,I think you'd love them too!! I'll be bringing them to the Barnhouse Flea Market this coming week-end...I'll post pictures soon..Best,Glad/Junebug


I love peeping into your home and life. I am with you with flower arranging. Years ago I used to spend hours tweaking flowers into place, now I just chop & go! Literally! I love my roses to be cut low so their heads only just sit above vases, so simple, so easy, so pretty and they last a long time that way too :O)

Your home is just so cosy and welcoming, I want to fly over and visit you!

Enjoy your bbq, I'm looking forward to seeing your rhubarb crisp.

Sadie x


So glad to see you again! Love all your new treasures! That little chair is to die for!
I used to visit your blog when I was blogging at It's Toile Y'all. I've shut that and started a new one, come visit when you have a chance!


Such fun glimpses! The ironstone with the blackboard is my fav. I have an old frame that I want to make into a blackboard - it has been sitting in my garage for years while waiting for my hubby to cut a piece of plywood to fit (the wood has also been sitting in the garage!). If I knew how to work that darn saw I'd do it myself!


You got some really great things at Farm Chicks!! Love your flowers - and the starfish - I just started collecting those as well!!


Hey! I just got a chance to visit your blog and saw the nice birthday wishes you sent my way. Thank you so much - I am still smiling over the great time we had together in ND and am grateful we got to spend my birthday doing some of the things we both love - lets see - what were those things again? Oh yes, antiquing, hanging out with family, going out to dinner, swimming, watching mystery movies - it was a wonderful day!!!
I love you too! Mom


Happy belated birtday to your mom!!!
Love the chair!!
Love all of your new photos. Your cat is adorable.
Hope you are having a great summer!


That chair is an incredible find! I love it like crazy. And the silver...gorgeous pieces! The picture of your flowers with your kitchen in the background looks perfect. I can't wait to see your recipe of your strawberry rhubarb crisp.

JJ Brown (Jelly)

Well, Allie-B:). All I can say is that KC has nuthin' on George- that kitty is almost skinny in comparison! Sure miss you, dear friend, and I am so glad that you are back to posting... I checked for you so often the last year, and am very pleased to know that all is well and that you are happy, healthy, all that stuff! Evy is as lovely as her mom, wish we had a day to spend with our girls in the sunshine somewhere... with a mystery to solve! Love and miss you so much, lots and LOTS of love from Wyoming- Jennijo, Scott, Aggie Sue and Betsy June:)


LOVE the new chair! Love. It.

Josephine Tale Pedder

Belated Happy Birthday to your Mother Allison! That chair must be so excited too to now rest in your cozy cottage! The flowers look so lovely. Hope you are having a great week there! xx


I just love seeing you post again, I used to lurk, I mean visit your blog regular before I started my own. I love your style and the mix of home and cooking. Wish your Mom another Happy Birthday!


Love seeing the photos around your house! Happy birthday to your mama!!! :)

I love your *not fancy* way of arranging flowers...I am the same way. :) Give me an old mason jar and I am good to go! :)

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Your pictures is absolutely stunning ,especially the flower decor is fresh and Sweet...Iam very glad to visit ur site!!! Hope u continue this excellent work...

Eugene Caul

I'm collecting sea stuffs, too! I have this huge collection of little shells and stones already, that I've found in the beaches I went to with my girl! We collect together and hers is a collection of starfishes, too! The photo you've shared reminded me of her. Btw, I'd like to see some photos of your strawberry rhubarb crisp! I'm craving for some sweets right now! :D


Happy birthday to the second coolest mum of a blogger in the whole universe. No offense, but I’m kinda partial to my own.

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